Monday, 23 January 2012

If only...

If only life was so, so much simplier...
Have anyone ever wondered why and how things happened the way it has been? For a start, we often feel that life is so unfair that we had to go through all the stuffs that other people aren't going through, well, that's what we often assumed.  Sometimes, it's even sad to see that the truth we tried to bring across, somehow, got stuck somewhere. 

I used to wonder that God was being unfair to me.  I used to wonder why I wasn't able to enjoy the happiness that everyone (or for the record, MOST people) are experiencing? Perhaps, I was a little selfish to wish for a purfect life.  So much for a "happy" ending? I guess, one's preception in life really makes a different on how life goes on...for the person at least.

I've stopped wishing (for now), how about you...?

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